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February 18, 2006

Beginning of the End

Congratulations to Monica who has finished her last class of law school! Her last class came a bit early compared to the rest of us graduating this spring because dhe attends Northeastern, which is on a quarter system and also requires that students spend every other quarter (I think) working. So she has a quarter left but will spend it “working” Florida. Sounds pretty good, no?

And so the end begins—the end of law school for the Blawgging Class of 2006. According to the calendar, I still have 13 weeks, but three of those I'll be spending on vacation in Wyoming, so it's really 10 (my one and only final is May 4th). Kind of hard to believe it's so close to over—especially when I have so much to do right now.

So I wonder: What is going to happen to this Blawgging Class of 2006? Will the blawgs live one? Will they be abandoned? Destroyed? Will the blawggers keep in touch? Blogging as a lawyer seems, in many ways, more challenging than blogging as any other sort of person b/c there's so much about what you do that's confidential. That said, lots of lawyers have great blogs, so it's obviously possible.

Here's another question: Can anyone think of a good example of a law student blog that has successfully transitioned to a lawyer blog? A couple of examples: L-cubed and Sua Sponte apparently hung up the keyboards (although I sort of suspect they're still posting somewhere and I'm just not privy to the info), and the blogger behind A Mad Tea-Party started blogging at bk! after a year or so hiatus. Andrew Raff, Screaming Bean and E. McPan have all continued blogging, but will that change when they all get the legal job of their dreams?

Do law students quit blogging after graduating because they are afraid to continue? Do they quit because they no longer find it enjoyable? Do they quit because they no longer have the time? Or is there something else going on?

Whatever the case, it will be sad if/when so many of the blogs I read regularly end up on permanent hiatus. That's not to say the imbroglio won't suffer the same fate. We can never tell what the future holds, can we?

Posted February 18, 2006 02:34 PM | law school

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leaving all my blog friends at graduation is almost as sad as leaving my real-life law school friends!

Posted by: monica at February 18, 2006 02:42 PM

I FULLY expect you to keep it up once you are gone!

PS, there is a happy hour on game?

Posted by: Law-Rah at February 18, 2006 04:34 PM

I want to keep it up. I think it will change the focus a little and adjust my sense of what's postable, but I've come to really enjoy having it as an outlet and wouldn't want to give it up.

But I'm postponing all these decisions until I need to make them (which is not today).

Posted by: Cathy at February 18, 2006 04:56 PM

But being a legal secretary IS the legal job of my dreams, so the answer is that I will continue posting! :)

Posted by: E. McPan at February 18, 2006 09:40 PM

the blog will live on ... perhaps vicariously through you. no pressure, though. ha

Posted by: ap at February 19, 2006 04:02 AM

I don't know if I quite fit into the categories you've set forth, but I blogged during law school and continue to blog. I have the job of my dreams, too! Blogging is definitely harder though - I can't do it just whenever the mood strikes me (because I'm usually at work, or en route to/from work, etc), I have less time to read about and comment upon the news whirling about the legal world, and I have to think about my clients before I can blog anything if I even have the energy to blog at the end of the day.

Posted by: womanofthelaw at February 19, 2006 12:53 PM

Well, when I graduate (or at least, pass the bar), the blog will cease updating. But then Three Years of Hell was always a project blog, and when the project is over, you start the next project.

Posted by: A. Rickey at February 19, 2006 01:18 PM

I'll keep posting through the Bar Exam...for as many times as it takes me to pass this sucker. After that, it'll depend on what the job is I think. If it's totally top secret, then probably not. :)

Posted by: Beanie at February 19, 2006 04:50 PM

I started blogging long before law school and have no plans to stop. Of course, I can think of several good reasons to stop. I tend to think that it is possible to use blogging for good personal PR, but that the effects may actually be negative the further you get from being Howard Bashman and the closer you get to being me....

Posted by: Andrew at February 19, 2006 07:21 PM

i'm with you, andrew.

some bloggers can be successful. i've been at it for like a billion years and i haven't made it.

chances are i will post or have already posted something that will ruin my career.

may as well stop fairly soon.

Posted by: monica at February 20, 2006 01:00 PM

I still have at least another year!

I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish. I'll miss it, that's for sure, if I leave.

Posted by: transmogriflaw at March 4, 2006 11:18 PM

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