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March 12, 2006

Ambivalent Question: Preparing for the Bar Exam

This week's Ambivalent Question® (at top right) asks: “Which bar review course will you (or did you) take?”

The poll lists various options, many of which I know nothing about. Those options include:

  • Bar/Bri, an all-around bar review course available for every state. Offers video-taped lectures or self-study via recorded lectures on iPod. I believe in some places you can attend a lecture from a real-live person, too. Cost varies by state; I believe Montana is about the cheapest at $800, while NY, IL, and CA are among the most expensive at something like $2400.
  • PMBR, a three or six day review focused only on the MBE (Multi-state Bar Exam). The MBE is “a six-hour, two-hundred question multiple-choice examination covering contracts, torts, constitutional law, criminal law, evidence, and real property.” PMBR claims it complements or supplements other review courses b/c they are focused on the law of a specific state, rather than on the larger legal principles tested on the MBE. Cost: $795 for the 6-day course, $395 for the 3-day (discounts for ABA/LSD members).
  • BarPlus, which doesn't look like a review course after all; more like just a bunch of information about the bar exam? I'm not sure.
  • MyBarPrep, an online review course for the MBE. Appears to be in direct competition with PMBR but it's online-only. Cost: $160.
  • MicroMash MBE & Bar Review, a computer-based self-study course, this time from West Publishing. The cost for the MBE review is $795, and the cost for the Bar Review part varies from $1195 to $1495, depending on state. Only about 23 states are available. (And look! A free podcast about opening a law office!)
  • The Study Group Personal Bar Review, offers a variety of study-at-home courses that focus on writing state essays, the MBE, and more. It looks like bar review courses start at about $1395 and go up from there.
As the poll mentions, if you are aware of or taking other options, please leave a comment below.

This poll question came circuitously via a link at Divine Angst from which I wandered over to unblague to catch up on “the other Kristine's” odyssey from evening law student, to law school graduate, to studying for the Feb. sitting of the MD bar, and finally taking the bar exam. She's now waiting for May 5th to learn that she passed so keep your fingers crossed for her!

Somewhere along the way, unblague linked to Brazen: Passing the MD Bar, a blog by and about a graduating 3L who is preparing for the bar exam w/out the assistance of Bar/Bri or any other commercial review course. I completely agree with and admire brazen's desire to defy the conventional wisdom and prove that the bar exam can be beat without shelling out another several thousand dollars in “education” after your education (law school). However, bar review courses have a pretty compelling argument, which is always like this: You've spent tens of thousands of dollars on your legal education, but all of that will be for naught if you don't pass the bar exam. Don't you think it would be smart to maximize your chances of passing the bar by taking our course?

Well, do you?

Related: The Bar Review Choice

Posted March 12, 2006 09:31 AM | ambivalent questions bar exam

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I thought PMBR sort of sucked. The practice question format was really far off from what the actual bar exam is like and they're generally harder. Just made me panic and stress out - not something you need in preparing for the bar exam.

Posted by: M at March 13, 2006 01:25 PM

Thanks for the moral support! I'm very happy to take it.

My two cents about the bar and bar review? I waffled about it until the final year of my evening school adventure and then just parked the money because: 1) everyone else takes them (I think Bar/Bri has 85% of the market, which explains the anti-trust suit against them), so it's really a huge competitive disadvantage not to have the course; 2) they really do distill out most of the stuff that is "must know" for the bar to hone your focus in studying; 3) I didn't take corporations or secured transactions (both required for MD), so I had to learn it somewhere -- easier to just get it from a bar review than trying to self-teach; and last but not least 4) I did actually learn test taking tricks in these review courses.

I did both Bar/Bri and PMBR. More than anything, I found the bar to be an exercise in sheer stamina, and these courses did help lessen the load going into the bar. I admire anyone who has the disclipine to do the studying to tackle the bar without those courses, but I knew that I didn't have that kind of time or discipline.

But then again, who knows if I even passed the bar... so that's why it's only two cents of advice!

Posted by: She says (from unblague) at March 13, 2006 05:48 PM

Okay, here goes. First time around I did Pieper, a NY specific program. I ended up with 400 pages of notes and failed. I felt buried in paper and mnemonics. I also did PMBR which while gave me a lovely set of books, it freaked me out. I did lots of work, but I failed.

Second time around, I took a new tactic. I had BarBri notes, Micromash computerized questions, flashcards and I hope I worked hard enough. We'll see. If you want to know any more specifics, drop me a line.

Posted by: Beanie at March 15, 2006 04:44 PM

Take BarBri, borrow a friend's PMBR and don't mark the books. Done.

Posted by: Anonymous at March 17, 2006 12:02 AM


Do you find micromash helpful? I am working full time and need to take the NY Bar again but think it is best to study and not just attend classes from 9-5 on weekends with Barbri. Also, I want to start studying early.

Let me know.


Posted by: JFH at March 22, 2006 01:21 PM

Actually Micromash is very good if you're willing to spend the time on it. The questions work toward your weak spots. The questions are more detailed than Study Smart, but also take longer to do. The books are also quite concise and are good for review. YMMV of course. :)

Posted by: Beanie at March 22, 2006 02:12 PM

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