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October 08, 2002

Political Action by Blog

I don't know how I missed this, but Ampersand is sponsoring a "BlogBurst" against the war on Iraq. The idea is simple: Write a letter to your members of Congress telling them why unilateral, "pre-emptive" action against Iraq would be a bad move at, um, this juncture (as a previous Bush was fond of saying). Post the letter on your blog, then email Ampersand so he/she can post a link to your letter on the Open Letters BlogBurst Page.

Cool. And a brilliant idea. Could this be the new model for political action?

Closely related: 10 Things You Can Do to Stop the War On Iraq.

Posted 01:22 PM | general politics

Legal Job Market: Not Good

Should people now applying to law school be discouraged by news that firms are refusing to hire through recruiters? I mean, I don't really want to work for a firm, so this wouldn't directly affect me, but it's certainly not a positive signal for the legal job market overall. Neither is the fact that this year's LSAT will be taken by perhaps 40% more "candidates" than took the test two years ago. Ugh.

[Link via Held in Contempt, who carries a Powerpuff Girls keychain and recently purchased new shoes. These are good things. Who said lawyers don't have character? Oh, and since I'm way out on a tangent now, have you seen that Discover card ad featuring the lawyer in search of someone who doesn't find him boring? I propose a new tagline for law-school recruiters: "Become a lawyer—you'll never be the life of the party but you will be the butt of every joke!" At least it might improve the job market a bit by decreasing the number of people who want to become lawyers? Nevermind. It hasn't worked so far...

Posted 01:11 PM | Comments (1) | law school

Sopranos Future

What's going to happen to HBO's hit series, "The Sopranos"? According to this story in the NYT:

Officially, the show is to conclude at the end of next season, its fifth. But that plan may be changing. Executives are seriously discussing extending the show to a sixth season, though they acknowledge that it will entirely depend on the decision of the show's creator, David Chase. The show's cast, including its star, James Gandolfini, is already under contract for six seasons, if the producers decide to extend the show's run.

This is good news. I'd heard that the show was only scheduled initially for four seasons. So now we know we can count on at least one more full season, which means Tony can't die yet, which means he better get serious about getting Paulie and Silvio under control!

Posted 08:27 AM | life generally

Great Chant

pResident Bush gave a speech last night. He said "I must have authority to do whatever I want at any time—regardless of the consequences. Oh, um, all in the name of national security, of course." He also said again that he wants the United Nations to be effective. Is it just me, or does he seem unable of saying this without breaking into a winking grin? He did it in both this speech and his Sept. 12th speech at the U.N. Does he think that snide little smile conveys sincerity or earnestness or something?

Bush was supposed to be answering the tough questions about Iraq, but he didn't address why all this war talk couldn't have waited until after the all-important mid-term elections, nor did he address what his plans are for a post-attack or post-Saddam Iraq, nor did he explain how U.S. security will be increased by all the anger various Middle East and other countries would feel if we attacked Iraq.

Anyway, I was glad to hear on NPR this morning that there was a good showing of protesters at Bush's speech. Even though they were held outside (free speech is limited to when and where power wants it, apparently), they still made the news with this great chant:

Hey Cowboy! Hold your horses! We don't want to send in forces!

Posted 08:20 AM | general politics

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