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June 25, 2003

The New ai

Introducing the new and improved ai! Your favorite cynical pre-blawg now features completely new, hot from the oven special sidebar features, including:

  • ai Quick & Dirty: The new home for all those hot links that mostly speak for themselves. I use ai for a sort of database to keep track of interesting tidbits, but although I might want to remember something, I don't always have a lot to say about it. ai Q&D solves that problem. Visit the complete collection of quick and dirty links at the ai Q&D homepage today!
  • An abbreviated blogroll: Readers have complained that the classic ai design was too cluttered. The new, simpler design features a shorter blogroll containing those links on which ai relies most for its wit, wisdom, and pithy commentary. But not to worry: You can still easily access the complete collection of ai links from the right-hand column of the ai Q&D homepage. Click early and often.
  • One Year Ago Today: ai began publishing just over a year ago, so once it officially passes its one-year anniversary, this new feature will go live. Check back often so you don't miss a moment of the excitement! ;-)
  • The ai Booklist: Your one-stop shop for all the basic details about the books in which ai is currently most interested. The ai Booklist features links directly to so you can buy buy buy with minimal hassle. It's all about consumption and kickbacks, so get clicking! [This feature is temporarily AWOL. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks. —the management]
  • Creative Commons License: ai is now licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike license. This means you can do whatever you want with it, so long as you give proper credit and license the output under the same terms. Or something like that. IANAL (I am not a lawyer), so who knows what this really means...

Enough of the spiel. The truth is, I've been working on a redesign for days now and it's just not doing what I wanted, so this is what we get for now. The site should look right in IE for Windows and Mozilla for both Mac and Windows. (I've tested Camino, Firebird, and regular Mozilla.) It looks a bit off in Safari and Explorer for Mac. There's something funny about the way these Mac browsers handle background image positioning w/CSS (or maybe the problem is with all the other browsers—who knows), but I've given up on figuring it out for now.

Other problems: The countdown feature in the right column is clearly screwed up. Law school orientation begins August 16th, last I checked, so I don't know what's going on there. The "transmogrify ai" feature should allow you to change the ai color scheme, but that's not working right, either. (If anyone knows anything about PHP and can help make this work, I'd appreciate any tips.) Finally, what the hell happened to my damn booklist! Heads are going to roll!

Posted 01:33 PM | Comments (6) | meta-blogging

Warning: Redesign

FYI: ai is currently under construction. If the site disappears or begins behaving erratically, the problems should only be temporary. Thanks. —the management

Posted 12:44 PM | meta-blogging

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