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October 15, 2003

Just Wait

To the person who came here looking for "what to do as a law school flunk out ," just wait a couple months and I might have some great ideas for you.

We have a midterm in CivPro on Monday and people are really starting to worry about grades. I've never cared much for grades, and although I know everyone is right when they assure me that grades do matter in law school, I just can't seem to make myself care. I mean, of course I care, but not probably not enough. Put it this way: When it comes down to reading or watching "Survivor," I choose "Survivor." At lunch w/professors a few weeks ago (all four have invited us to lunch in groups, which is nice; one of them even picked up the tab) ProfTorts said the best piece of advice he could give to law students would be to "kill your television." He's right, of course, but that's like telling people to stop shopping at Wal-Mart; it would make the world a much better place, but it ain't gonna happen. ;-)

Now is the time in the first semester when I'm disgruntled. Wait, I'm always disgruntled. Perhaps I should change the name of this blog to "Slanted and Disenchanted" in a blatant Pavement ripoff that would more correctly portray its usual bent. But really I'm too ambivalent about my cynicism and disenchantment to do that much about it.

Instead perhaps I will chuckle at the self-importance of the GW journal write-on competition. It happens next March and already they're warning us to save the date and begin our planning. That's somewhat understandable, given that the competition is the first weekend of spring break and lots of people might be making spring break plans already. What's funny is the precision with which they describe the procedure for competing:

You will pick up the competition packet between 3 P.M. and 8:00:00 P.M. on Friday, and you must return or postmark your completed competition by 8:00:00 P.M. on Monday.

Got that? If you turn your packet in at 8:00:01, your out, buddy. I hope they have a plan for synchronizing our watches, or we could be in trouble.

Posted 08:57 PM | Comments (2) | law school

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