« July 12, 2004 | Main | July 14, 2004 »
More Wackiness, Please
Thanks to DG (via Beanie), my very own results in the latest quiz making the rounds:
Wackiness: 38/100
Rationality: 52/100
Constructiveness: 64/100
Leadership: 68/100
You are an SECL--Sober Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a politician. You cut deals, you change minds, you make things happen. You would prefer to be liked than respected, but generally people react to you with both. You are very sensitive to criticism, since your entire business is making people happy.
At times your commitment to the happiness of other people can cut into the happiness of you and your loved ones. This is very demanding on those close to you, who may feel neglected. Slowly, you will learn to set your own agenda--including time to yourself.
You are gregarious, friendly, charming and charismatic. You like animals, sports, and beautiful cars. You wear understated gold jewelry and have secret bad habits, like chewing your fingers and fidgeting.
You are very difficult to dislike.
That's what I call a backhanded compliment. On the one hand, I'm supposedly difficult to dislike; on the other, I'm supposedly a politician, which would make me very easy to dislike. Maybe I'll edit out the politician part and whip out this diagnosis the next time someone says they want to beat the crap out of me. Of course, now that I know DG is a mob boss, maybe I can just try to stay on her good side and let her take care of such problems. Or I could always ask Beanie to turn some of her evil genius against those those don't fully appreciate the difficulty of disliking me. Combined with GdG's font of knowledge, this sounds like an invincible team of superheros. As one of my neighbors used to say, "I know people...."
Posted 06:22 AM | Comments (3) | life generally
Vietnam Zippo Etching
Traveling back to D.C. from Michigan last weekend we heard a story on NPR about a new musical interpretation of the phrases and sayings U.S. soldiers etched onto their Zippo lighters while in Vietnam. I didn't care much for the music, but the sayings were pretty incredible. My favorite is featured on the NPR page about the story:
We are the unwilling, Led by the unqualified, Doing the unnecessary, For the ungrateful.
I wonder how many U.S. soldiers in Iraq feel that way.
For more on the Vietnam Zippos, check out The Vietnam Zippo, a which I think was mentined in the NPR story.
Posted 06:06 AM | Comments (3) | general politics