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November 25, 2004

For the Record

This is the first time this month that my NaNo meter (not to be confused with a nanometer) has registered above the goal mark, and so, for the sake of posterity, I give you a sign of the 43,139 words I've written in the past 25 days.

NaNoWriMo Progress Meter

Only 6,861 words to go, with five whole days remaining. I won't jinx it by saying anything about my chances of finishing at this point, but I will say that it feels much better to be at 43k than the 33k I was on just two days ago. Sure it's all crap crap crap, but hey, every word is a good word! Um, maybe I should now spend a few words on that paper I have due on Monday. You think?

Posted 07:01 PM | Comments (2) | NaNoWriMo

Novel Turkey

It has been rumored that the ambivalent novel will not be completed by the deadline of Nov. 30 at midnight; however, after a burst of 5,000 words last night, the novel is almost back on track, and is at least within a plausible striking range. The fat lady has still not sung a note. To the editors of the journal for whom I supposed to be writing a “note,”: Um, sorry. I'd rather write a novel. To the professors who will grade my finals and shake their heads in dismay as they plant my GPA irrevocably in the bottom left of the bell curve: Run run run, fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the stinky cheese man! To everyone else: Happy Turkey Lurkey!

Posted 08:31 AM | Comments (3) | NaNoWriMo life generally

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