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December 14, 2004

The Finals, The Finals

Gee, that was not fun. Forget what I said about finals being overhyped. Well, don't forget it, just qualify it. They're overhyped if you followed and understood things fairly well during the semester, which is like saying they're easy when you know what you're doing, which is like saying nothing, so nevermind. Forget it. I know nothing. Nuteeng! Ok, I know that multiple choice questions are no longer my friends. So much for the edumacated guessing. It works fine if you've edumacated yourself ahead of time; otherwise, those questions can kill you. And evidence is going to be all multiple choice. Let the mindgames begin! Now, after three finals in less than a week, I'm getting a little weary of the process. The last one is tomorrow. If you have any secrets for remembering and organizing all the rules of evidence in your head, now is the time to share!

Posted 08:44 AM | Comments (8) | 2L

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