« February 01, 2005 | Main | February 03, 2005 »
February 02, 2005
Tsunami Point Drive
The Tsunami Charity Drive I mentioned yesterday has been wildly successful, exploding into something like a blawg “meme.” The proof is at Jeremy Richey's Blawg, where you can see that more than 26,000 Lexis points have been donated. At $1.60 per 100 points, that' s just over $400. The goal is now set at 50,000 points by February, so if you have any Lexis points you were just going to selfishly exchange for personal swag, donate them to tsunami relief and let Jeremy know you did so so he can add your points to the total. I threw my points in, despite my own reluctance to do anything to help Lexis look like a good member of society. If I can do it, you can too. Come on, you know you want to. ;-)Posted 08:00 AM | Comments (2) | 2L law school meta-blogging
Say Hello to MultiBlog!
The two “sideblogs” on ai—ambivalent images and ambivalent bits—are now being brought to you by the MT MultiBlog plugin by David Raynes. MultiBlog allows updates to one of the sideblogs to trigger a rebuild of the main page of ai. Although this may make no difference to you as a reader, it's a nice change from my perspective b/c it means that any updates to the sideblogs appear immediately and automatically here on the main page. (Previously changes to the sideblogs didn't show up here until I rebuilt this main page, either by adding a new post or if someone left a comment.) MultiBlog replaces the older and less sophisticated OtherBlog plugin. Although I said a while back that I wanted to get rid of the ambits sideblog, that may never happen (or I might change my mind), so in the meantime, this simple upgrade satisfies my need to tweak—for now.Posted 07:23 AM | Comments (2) | meta-blogging