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March 12, 2005

Break Over

After a week of blissfully doing just about nothing (shh! don't tell!), spring break is effectively over and I now have 1.5 days to do all the work I should have done in the past week. The past two nights I've been awakened in the early morning with a thought of something I need to do and a rush of adrenaline from the fear that I won't have time to get it done. Anxiety is lovely. Before I put my nose to the grindstone, a couple of things:
  • Congratulations to my friend Jose, who is getting married!
  • Congratulations to Monica of Buzzwords, who has just started a new internship at a public defender's office in Alaska. It sounds sublime.
  • Best wishes to Energy Spatula, who, thanks to the beautiful quarter system, is currently in the midst of finals. I don't envy her, and yet I do; I'm ready for finals now. In my mind, this semester should be so over, but I have something like five weeks to go...
  • Check out Coalition for Darfur, where “A Southern conservative and a Northern liberal have teamed up to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan and money for a worthy organization doing vital work there: Save the Children.”
  • On a lighter and yet also somewhat metaphysical note, see things that happened on a recent day for second person singular. That sounds like a full, but really rather fun day. I think I need to get out more. No. I know I need to get out more.
CrimPro, here I come....

Posted 11:10 AM | Comments (2) | 2L lists

Blogroll Update

Just a note about a few tweaks around the Imbroglio: A revised about page, a search box that works better, I think (instead of returning crazy looking results from every blog on the system, it should now use a standard template and confine its searches to ambivalent areas), and a revised blog roll. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I used to use for my blogroll, and that was awesome, but to no one's surprise, it's no longer free. So I switched to trying to use to manage the links, and that works, except that you apparently can't get more than, like, 31 links to display in a list, and that just wasn't pleasant. Enter MT-Blogroll, a new MT plugin that helps you manage your blogrolls, allowing a different roll for each blogg, categories and minimal metadata for each link, and blogrolling via book mark (click a bookmark to add a link to your roll). So it does just about everything Blogrolling did, but it's free and it runs on your own server so the price should never go up. Cool. So now the roll includes several short lists of categorized blogs, including those that focus on criminal law (the “CrimBlawgs”), since that's what I'm trying to focus more on. This category includes blogs by public defenders, prosecutors, professors of crimlaw, and students who have noted at some point that they think they want to do crimlaw. If you see that your blog is miscategorized, please let me know and I'll change it. “The Roll” at the bottom of the links is just that—the long list of blogs I like and which I would visit daily if I had the time. Some of them I do visit daily or regularly, others less regularly, but they're all worth visiting so they're there for when I have a free moment. Also, some are missing. Some blogs I visit so often I've forgotten to blogroll them—I just always type in the URL. I'll try to notice these and add them to the list. That's more than anyone wanted to know, but I'm procrastinating, so...

Posted 10:50 AM | Comments (5) | meta-blogging

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