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August 29, 2005
thisdarkqualm » RIP Rio
http://thisdarkqualm.com/?p=292#comments Ah, you knew I’d have to answer this. I won’t really defend the iPod mania — I agree that it’s largely irrational. However, I can use an iPod easily w/one hand and I’ve found the clickwheel a very fast and convenient way to navigate through thousands of tracks. How does the Karma do it? My iPod has always had gapless playback, too (I’m pretty sure — it doesn’t pause between songs, if that’s what you mean). But the really bad thing about the iPod is that it only plays mp3 and AAC and that sucks. The iTunes Music Store sucks because of the DRM. I don’t buy from there unless I just must must must have a track ASAP. I’d rather buy the CD and rip it so it will be mine to do whatever I want with. So I agree that it’s sad when good alternatives drop out of the market. I think the iPod is a better player than you give it credit for, and if Apple would only open it up to more formats it really would be a truly great player. But ok, it’s too expensive, too. Still, I’ve argued here before that Apple isn’t really free to do what it wants in this space. For more evidence of that, check out this story about how music companies are trying to manipulate the system even more to their benefit. What is Apple to do?Posted by mowabb at 09:12 PM
Centinel: I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.
http://centinel.blogspot.com/2005/08/i-am-afraid-we-are-not-rid-of-god.html I used to teach grammar but I know nothing. I pity my former students. But my girlfriend, who also used to teach grammar and is now an editor so should know these things, says that it just depends on what style you're following. Chicago style uses the 's (e.g., Charles's) except for a few exceptions like Jesus (which would only have the apostrophe); however, AP style just uses the apostrophe (Charles') for basically all proper nouns. For regular nouns both styles use apostrophe-only (the houses' front yards). The same is true for the comma question. One style book will tell you to do the string commas or whatever they're called, another won't. Safire (and others much more knowledgeable) was right that grammar is defined by usage, rather than the other way around. That means grammar is controlled by the 800-lb gorilla -- whomever is going to judge your writing will determine what is right, so your best bet is to learn what that person likes and stick with it. Comfortingly unceertain, isn't it?Posted by mowabb at 09:11 PM
August 13, 2005
Frolics and Detours: Westlaw is bullshit.
http://frolicsdetours.blogspot.com/2005/08/beef.html That is so sad. I pay no attention to their stupid games and consequently have almost no points to worry about. I hope I will never beg a Wexis rep for anything.Posted by mowabb at 09:41 AM
August 10, 2005
WonL: I'm going to do it!...maybe.
http://wonl.blogspot.com/2005/08/im-going-to-do-itmaybe.html So when do we get pics? My sister did this same thing -- long hair her whole life and then finally working up the nerve, over, like, years, to get it cut. She waited until she was about 30 and it was a pretty traumatic thing for her. After about 2-3 years w/short hair she finally started to be able to get it cut regularly w/out it being a big deal. Now she says she really likes having short hair and even enjoys the experience of going to the salon to have it cut. May your experience be as good, but faster. ;-)Posted by mowabb at 11:32 PM
thisdarkqualm » Running
http://thisdarkqualm.com/?p=281 No superhuman here. I'm barely limping through my so-called marathon “training.” You'd be surprised how far you could go if you were asked to, I think. But here's what I know about fuel while running: First, get a water bottle belt. The ones with a single larger bottle are better than the ones w/a bunch of small bottles b/c the one bottle is much easier to fill. I have this one and I've found it works quite well for about 5 miles or less. It also has a pocket in which you can put snacks. I recommend Gu. It's like eating frosting, which might sound not great (I love frosting!) but you can suck it down easily while running and it gets absorbed by your body and converted to energy pretty fast. It's basically just sugar and carbs so you can also try any other energy bar or candy type thing that will give you those things. As the Gu folks recommend, you'll probably feel pretty fine if you eat something about every 40-45 minutes of running. These are the things I have been told and they have worked for me. I don't really recommend running, though -- it's really bad for your knees and back. ;-)Posted by mowabb at 11:23 PM