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March 11, 2006

divine angst: mechanical woes

Ooh. Icky. Bad Apple. Very. Bad. This is when Apple's whole “our way or the highway” attitude really really sucks. I guess maybe this is also why they put that new magnetic release on the new MacBook Pro, eh? I hope Apple just decides that this is one of the kinds of repairs it's going to cover. Speaking of which, it's about time for me to decide whether to fork over the $200 for 2 more years of Applecare coverage. Stories like this make me think pretty seriously that it's not worth it. If Apple decides not to cover this, don't you feel like you deserve a new machine, anyway? I mean, you've had a rough few weeks lately, maybe a shiny new MacBook Pro is exactly what you need.... ;-)

Posted by mowabb at March 11, 2006 07:09 AM