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August 14, 2002

Librarians Wanted

One of the other options I've been considering in my career search is to go to library school and become a librarian. However, this has always been a sort of "safety" plan, and I've never felt very drawn to it. It's just one of those things that fits my interests and which I think I could do pretty well at, plus it has the bonus of being low-stress, stable and secure, with a fairly clear career path. These things are appealing, yet I've pretty much decided I'm ok with taking some more risks in life and heading into less clearly-charted waters. Of course, just when I was about to declare myself sure that library school would not be in my (immediate) future, the Chronicle runs another story saying librarians wanted. So again I'm thinking: Am I crazy to contemplate a law and/or non-profit job when all I hear about both is that jobs are scarce? Shouldn't I be heading for a field where there's real demand? *sigh*

Posted August 14, 2002 10:00 AM | librarianship

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