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You need backup
One of the best lines from "About A Boy":
Suddenly I realized — two people isn't enough. You need backup. If you're only two people, and someone drops off the edge, then you're on your own. Two isn't a large enough number. You need three at least.
So true, but in this case I'm not talking about family and friends, I'm talking about your outlines, your notes, the study aids you've meticulously prepared (or are currently meticulously preparing) to get you through your final exams. Have you backed all that up recently?
If you haven't, you probably should.
This has been another public service message from your friends at ai. We dunno nothin' —nah-theeng! — about collateral estoppel, but we no longer care. We have backup!
Posted April 26, 2004 07:58 AM | law school
On behalf on someone who spent far too much time last week recovering (to the extent of making people buy undelete software and looking for old .tmp files) other folks outlines, may I only say to you, AI: halleluhah, a whole-hearted agreement, and in-bloody-deed.
When I ask, "So when did you last back up your files?" the answer should not be, "January," or even worse, "Huh?"
Posted by: A. Rickey at April 26, 2004 12:23 PM