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Practice Testing
In a review session this morning w/Prof. CivPro she said we shouldn't worry overly much about things we didn't spend a lot of time on. For example, she said, we just rushed through preclusion doctrine at the end, so it probably won't be a very prominent feature of the final.
Guess what's featured in nearly every single practice exam she's made available? That's right: Preclusion doctrine.
Posted April 26, 2004 04:35 PM | law school
Prof Torts said same thing during review session last semester. We barely touched on comparative and contributory negligence. Guess what a good chunk of the exam was? You got it!
And we spent maybe a couple of days on it during the semester.
Rule #1 for law school exams- never trust the professor when s/he says their exam will emphasize what they emphasized in class.
Posted by: justin at April 26, 2004 10:39 PM
I pray you're wrong about that. The exam is in seven hours and I'm not going to become a preclusion pro in that time. Oh well...
Now that I think about it, our ProfTorts did something very similar with the same topic. I thought it was just him because he was such an inconsiderate and pompous teacher, but perhaps there's a theme here.
Posted by: ambimb at April 27, 2004 06:10 AM
Theme= torts professors are liars
Posted by: justin at April 27, 2004 12:21 PM