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Contractual Panic
Doom, doom I tell you. Contracts final tomorrow and I'm bombing out. I look at practice questions and my mind goes mushy. I see the issues as if through a fog; I vaguely recall lots of talk about assignees, battles of forms, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness and the ever-present constructive condition of prior performance by the other party, but my grasp on these concepts is so tenuous that I can't seem to pull them out of the ether as I need to do in order to cobble together some semblance of a response to the fact pattern.
This is not good.
I look not for sympathy or encouragement, I'm merely venting. 24 hours from now, it won't matter, will it?
UPDATE: I can no longer despair now that I have Mr. Buffalo's Contracts Cheers to power me through my studying and exam taking. Thanks to Energy Spatula at Will Work for Favorable Dicta for the tip! And in case you haven't been acquainted yet, Energy Spatula is a superhero! Who shoots guns! Definitely a welcome addition to the roll de blawgs.
Posted April 28, 2004 06:37 PM | law school
Make sure you check out the Contracts cheers on Wings and Vodka (from maybe two days ago)...they will totally put you in the right place. Good luck.
Posted by: energy spatula at April 28, 2004 08:50 PM
Good luck! It should be much better than you expect: mushy brain in preparation means nothing for the actual exam...
Posted by: A. Rickey at April 28, 2004 09:11 PM