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April 29, 2004

Coulda Shoulda Woulda

1L Spring Exam #2 coming up in just over an hour. The pre-test feeling is much different today than it was on Tuesday. Instead of feeling calm and collected, I'm jittery and anxious. I still haven't been able to nail a practice question, whereas before my CivPro final I was pretty comfortable with my ability to produce a fairly lucid and complete answer to just about any question. Contracts and Sales seems somewhat logical, it seems simple, but there are so many twists and turns a case can take that it really becomes much more difficult than it looks. I get bogged down in the details of one claim and forget what I was going to say about another one, then I run out of time.

Nevermind. I could have studied more during the semester instead of saving it until the end. I should have done that. And I would have except, well... wel... I don't know why. I like pain? I think what I'm really saying is I'll be really really glad when this exam is over and I swear I will never ever ever procrastinate my studying like this again. Never ever. (Now when next Sept./Oct. comes around, will someone please remind of this? Thanks.)

Posted April 29, 2004 11:54 AM | law school

I have an email prepped to automatically send you a reminder next September. You should have a reply prepped to automatically tell me it's been ignored.

Seriously, relax, it'll be OK.

Posted by: A. Rickey at April 29, 2004 12:06 PM

You are going to rock the exam. Thinking good thoughts for you!

Posted by: Bekah at April 29, 2004 04:22 PM

You'll be fine, honest. Good luck!

Posted by: transmogriflaw at April 29, 2004 05:42 PM

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