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Spatula Serves Up Sweetness
I'm on the verge of being late for work but I wanted to thank Energy Spatula at Will Work for Favorable Dicta for meeting me for lunch yesterday. She is every bit as take-no-prisoners funny in person as she is on her blog, and it was terrific to finally put a face to the hypothetical weapon. At the risk of offending any of my secret readers (those who read but don't tell me so), the short time I spent with Energy Spatula made me realize how great it would be to have more friends like her. The lunch lesson: Life is better with more exuberant candor and less obsession with money, career, grades, etc. In other words: cut the bullshit. That's a lesson I'll keep in mind next time I start catching the freak anxiety disease around finals or whatever. Thanks, ES!
p.s.: Thanks to everyone who has sent me links and suggestions for Blawg Wisdom! The response has been terrific, as you'll all be able to see when I get a free moment to update the site tonight. Until then, keep the wisdom flowing!
Posted August 5, 2004 07:38 AM | meta-blogging