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In Praise of Portable Firefox
Dear Portable Firefox,
I love you. Love. You are the best thing since... since.... USB drives were invented. The best! I'm working in an office that runs something like Windows 2000 or NT (I'm not sure which) and the tech freaks have locked everything down so that I can't even update IE, let alone install Firefox. Until I learned about Portable Firefox, I thought I was just stuck with IE. And then my good friend Jose gave me a tip and everything changed.
I didn't realize how much it sucked doing legal research on IE until I loaded up Portable Firefox and got to work. Tabs make legal research much more efficient for me—I'm always getting a list of search results and it's nice to open the cases I want to look at in new tabs—way better than a bunch of slow IE windows. And even on a USB drive Firefox is faster than IE. Heaven.
Thank you John Haller for creating this, and thank you Jose for the tip!
Now does anyone know where I could find a nice Windows compatible, USB-friendly outliner/database like DevonThink or NoteTaker?
Have you tried TheBrain or Zoot ?
Posted by: Pascal Venier at May 30, 2005 10:10 AM
Oh... I've heard of Portable Firefox but I couldn't figure out why I would need it. Now I get it. Thanks for the tip!
Posted by: CM at May 30, 2005 06:41 PM