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July 26, 2005

No Rascal For Us

After spending far too much time last week considering whether to get another dog, and after getting approval from the landlord to do so, I went to work yesterday morning thinking we were probably going to have two dogs soon. However, I was greeted with the news that somebody else took Rascal last Friday and he is already happily enjoying his new home somewhere in Pennsylvania with a building contractor who plans to take him to work every day, take him kayaking on weekends, and give him an acre of land to frolic in. Hmph. I can't really compete with that, can I?

While it's a little sad, I know it's all for the best—both for Rascal and for us. We were pretty ambivalent about getting another dog at this time. I think we both like the idea, but for all the reasons you all mentioned in the comments here and for others, now seems like not the best time. We had basically decided that we would be able to give Rascal a good home if his owner couldn't find anything better for him, but something better is exactly what she found! So it's all good for everyone.

I learned something though: The next time someone asks you if you know anyone who wants a dog, just say no. ;-)

Posted July 26, 2005 06:55 AM | life generally

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since your ambits don't have comments, i just wanted to acknowledge that i went to that Sam the Ugliest Dog site, and he really is pretty damn ugly.

that is all.

Posted by: monica at July 27, 2005 10:58 AM

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