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July 27, 2005

Rock the CasBar

No one who is taking the bar this week is going to be reading blogs, and this may come late (some bar exams, like Virginia's, were yesterday, I think, and Pennsylvania's is already on its second day), but who cares? As Kristine says, good luck to you all anyway!

And for those of you who have finished, Congratulations!! How did it go?

Posted July 27, 2005 06:53 AM | law school

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I wouldn't wish the whole event on my worst enemy. And now we get to wait until to November to see if I get to do it again.

Posted by: Beanie at July 27, 2005 09:48 PM

Yay! Done! I don't care, I am leaving for Paris and London tomorrow. We saved you our flashcards in case you take the VA bar. Let me know. Au revoir petit chou chou!

Posted by: D at July 27, 2005 11:01 PM

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