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Finally! I represented a client in court yesterday! And while that sounds neat, and it definitely was, it wasn't very exciting for anyone but me. I said very little, did very little, in fact, but it was still cool. It was an agreed guilty plea (which I helped negotiate), which means I basically just had to say “yes, your honor” and “there's also the matter of the capias, your honor,” and “thank you, your honor.” Big deal, right? But hey, we all have to start somewhere.
I haven't said much more about the summer job for lots of reasons. One is that the Scoplaw has been providing a few good updates about the place we both work, e.g.: here, here, and here. No need for us to duplicate stories (although he's getting more than I am this summer in the story department, I think). But there's also the whole dooce thing, which is all too possible in a public defender internship. Check this out. Yeah, I think I'll stay with the minimal disclosure, thanks. What I wouldn't give to see that blog, though...
Posted July 28, 2005 09:09 AM | 2L summer
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Cool! I've never gotten to say "your honor" to anybody, so it sounds exciting to me!
Posted by: CM at July 28, 2005 11:33 AM
speaking in court is fun!
Posted by: monica at July 28, 2005 11:35 AM
Congrats! ;) It's a good start. I'm sure you got him a great deal, too.
Posted by: DG at July 28, 2005 03:32 PM
AI - my self-deprecation radar just returned a huge blip from your quarter. You did a great job with a potentially difficult client. You spoke with confidence and authority and kept your head in front of a judge who could have a second career moonlighting as an auctioneer. It was a gold star performance my friend.
Posted by: Scoplaw at July 28, 2005 06:04 PM
Congrats. My first time in court I about sprained my neck because my head was bobbing about like a bobblehead and I was saying Yes, Your Honor and Certainly, Your Honor for like 5 minutes. Then it was over.
Posted by: E. McPan at July 28, 2005 09:32 PM
Congrats on your first client! And for doing such a good job against the firemen.
Posted by: Jess at July 29, 2005 12:43 AM
Thanks everyone -- you are all too kind. I picked up another couple of misdemeanors yesterday so I hope to have more stories before the summer ends. Where did the summer go, by the way?
Posted by: ambimb at July 29, 2005 07:56 AM