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August 12, 2005

Kacey Chappelear Rocks!

Speaking of the interns I worked with over the summer, I also wanted to say thank you to all of them for helping to make the summer great. “Our” office has an excellent internship program, complete with the mock trial exercises I mentioned in the last post, as well as an office softball team and some great parties over the course of the summer. This, as well as the nature of the job, attracts some truly dynamic, entertaining, accomplished, and outgoing people. This summer the office boasted interns from GW (obviously, but I wasn't the only one), Georgetown, American, UVA, and Vermont Law. We also had one outstanding intern from OSU—the inimitable Kacey Chappelear, intern, softball queen, runner, field hockey player, and public interest law leader extraordinaire. Kacey was a joy to work with—smart, witty, and always dressed to the nines, she regularly put the rest of us to shame. She can also play a mean game of beer pong (so long as she's not being Sullied at the time), and is guaranteed to be the life of the party so long as she has plenty of Liquid Gold™. (Oh, and her brother is also a mysterious movie-star who says that “Life is just a bunch of people, living, waiting until they die.” So true.) Thanks for a great summer, KC, and best of luck in Ohio! In other words: Wahoowa!

(Disclaimer: I enjoyed working w/all the interns in our office, but KC was the only one who wanted her name on the blog. Special shout-outs also go to my fellow fervent Harry Potter friend (OMG!) and to JG, the only other 2L in the bunch and the intern with whom I had the pleasure of working closely on a big bad case for about half the summer. Finally, thanks to the Scoplaw, who was truly a pleasure to work with—I only wish we'd had more time to plot our legal revolution!)

Posted August 12, 2005 11:13 AM | 2L summer

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