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February 13, 2006

Graduation Application & Information

If you're a 3L at GW, heads up! You have to fill out a “graduation application” (PDF) and turn it in to the Records Office by February 15th.

It's nice that they put the form online, but why not make it a webform that we can submit online, too?

The school has also put up information about its graduation ceremonies. I have to say I don't feel like I'll be missing much, and I'm quite glad to not have to worry about “tickets and regalia.”

Regalia? Get over your bad selves, people.

Posted February 13, 2006 09:37 AM | 3L

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Ha ha ha, it makes me laugh every time you expect value and improvement for your money from GW. The only way they improve things there is if it would help in the US News and World Report ranking. What did you expect for 32k, for things to work well and be convenient?

Posted by: DL at February 13, 2006 10:56 AM

3L -- love and hate this year. still, can't believe graduation is just around the corner. best to you.

Posted by: AP at February 14, 2006 07:08 PM

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