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February 26, 2006

Domestic Spying? You're lovin' it!

The last Ambivalent Question was: “It's legality aside, does the U.S. need Bush's NSA domestic spying program?” (Related post.) The final results were:

  • 48.5% of respondents said “Yes. It makes us safer.”
  • 27.9% said “Impeach Bush.”
  • 23.5% said “No. The costs to our civil liberties are not worth whatever benefits it may offer.”
Total votes: 68.

So you're lovin' the spying. I'm hatin' it, but hey, I'm just one crazy person, I guess. Some of you in the comments explained your positions more completely and while I appreciate the distinctions you attempt to make and agree that we don't have full information about the program, I know enough to be certain that this program is not good for the country I want to live in. The Supreme Court has said our right to privacy is defined by our collective expectations—if we expect more privacy, the Constitution grants it; if we expect less, that's what we get. And a majority of those responding to this poll obviously expect and even want less privacy. That's awesome. Big Brother hearts you.

Posted February 26, 2006 08:18 AM | ambivalent questions

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» Censuring George W. Bush from Glorfindel of Gondolin
What does it say about our country when we'll impeach a President for lying about getting blowjobs from an intern, but we won't even censure a President who illegally wiretaps Americans without a warrant? I think it says: the American... [Read More]

Tracked on March 12, 2006 10:20 PM

You don't think it's fair to count "Impeach Bush" votes as votes *against* the domestic spying program? I do... which means that 51.4% of us like our phone calls wiretap free.

Welcome back to the majority! :)

Posted by: Dave! at February 26, 2006 11:47 AM

I just stumbled upon this blog as a result of a post at Legal Underground.

Interesting poll results.

Hopefully your poll is not representative of the majority of Americans, although I suspect it is.

I post about civil rights violations in the post 9/11 environment fairly regularly at my blog. I'm not at all thrilled with the trends I've been seeing.
I'm with you 100%. This is not a the America I'd like to love in.

Posted by: Nicole Black at February 27, 2006 08:29 AM

Dave!: I like your optimism and suddenly the world is not so bleak. ;-)

Nicole: Yeah, I don't know what to make of these results. They're obviously not scientific but they don't seem far out of line w/what seems to be the general attitude. Where's Tom Paine when we need him?

Posted by: ambimb at February 27, 2006 09:11 AM

may be a good point about the impeach bush votes ... every time i take one of your polls, my mouse is drawn to that option - even though I hate hate hate the spying.

even so, i find the 48.5% extremely troubling. It does seem to coincide with official poll numbers i've seen. and that number has gone up considerably. i'd hate to think that bush's soundbites are working ... but that's the way it seems to me. "be afraid, be very afraid, and let us do what we want to."

i'm not afraid. and i don't support wiretapping. i do not believe it is necessary, and i do not believe it makes me safer. i believe a warrant requirement makes me safer. i believe a government operating with restraint and accountability makes me safer.

Posted by: zuska at February 28, 2006 09:02 AM

Not only don't I want to love in this country, I don't really want to *live* here either. ;)

Posted by: Nicole Black at February 28, 2006 11:45 PM

Great reading, keep up the great posts.
Peace, JiggaDigga

Posted by: JiggaDigga at April 7, 2006 12:48 AM

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