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October 17, 2003


Salon's Farhad Manjoo says iTunes for Windows represents Apple's capitulation to Windows' dominance. Um, yeah, maybe. But he also says:

Many of [Apple's] fans have long wished that the company would devote itself solely to software, and that it would make its best apps available to the wide Windows world.

Not. Sorry, but that's like saying many Cubs fans have long wished all their favorite Cubs players would get traded to the Yankees so they could finally be on a winning team. Those are Cubs fans? I don't think so. So yeah, Apple's making a concession here, but I wouldn't expect to see Mac OS X running on Intel processors anytime soon.

But while Mr. Manjoo seems perhaps a little too eager for Macs to disappear, his story has a great quote from U2's Bono, who was beamed in on video for the iTunes for Windows intro yesterday:

"That's why I'm here to kiss the corporate ass," Bono said. "I don't kiss every corporate ass."

I'm with you Bono. I kiss few corporate asses, but Apple's is the most kissable. To see why, check out the top two things that make the iTunes Music Store rock:

  1. 5,000 audiobooks, including Snow Crash, unabridged.
  2. Celebrity playlists from Michael Stipe, Moby, Billy Corgan, and more. Think custom mixtapes from your favorite artists. Way cool.

Plus, if you're an iPod owner, you can now buy some cool new accessories for your dream jukebox, including my favorite, the Belkin Voice Recorder which allows you to record voice notes directly to your iPod. If you want to show me love and buy me a new toy, just let me know. ;-)

Posted 06:23 AM | Comments (1) | mac geek

Stuffy Professors Suck

Note to professors: Please do not begin email to your students with "Attached hereto is...." Sorry, but there's really no need for humans to talk that way, even if they are lawyers or law professors. Thanks.

Posted 06:02 AM | Comments (2) | law school

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