Blogroll Dive #2: Let's burn this law school down.
Energy Spatula has a great rant against the stupidity that is law school, a story about the Dating Protection Program, and she's like this close to getting a job she wants if only the drycleaner doesn't ruin her chances. I am jealous. Maybe I should, like, at least apply for jobs. You think?
Scoplaw is working on a brief for the SCOTUS and celebrating Georgetown's success at raking in the public interest funds—their auction just pulled in a record $75k! Congrats to GULC's EJF. Why why why can't we do this at GW?
Mackenzie is getting published—his case note was accepted for publication next summer. Congrats, Mackenzie!
Dave! is getting excited about BlawgThink, apparently a legal blogging conference that's going to happen this week in Chicago. He can also tell you a lot about cheese.
Half-Cocked notes that in Dover, PA, the town that is currently the subject of a court case to determine whether school teachers should teach intelligent design, all the Intelligent Design proponents on the school board lost their bids for reelection. He's also recommends you add Chili-5-ways to your weekly menu. With the coming cold weather, I'm thinking that sounds like a fine idea.
Monica Is happy she doesn't have to apply for financial aid again next year. Me, too! Now if someone would just give us jobs.... (Ok, yeah, I have to apply first, I know. This seems to be a recurring theme.)
New Blogs
Recently added to the blogroll:
- The Considerations: A group blawg by three law students at the University of Nebraska (I think).
- Full Metal Attorney: Another law student at the University of Nebraska who's into metal songs and recently posted an incredibly lengthy dissection of Roe v. Wade which concludes with FMA's opinion that the decision on abortion should be left to the states. I wonder if Half-Cocked knows about his fellow school bloggers...
- Dept. of Nance: A northeast Ohio high school English teacher who describes herself as “a fervent blue stater trapped in this red state.” Here's a helpful little primer on common phrases that people mangle. I'm with her, and especially on 4, which bugs me to no end! But what's the deal with 5? What's the difference between “could not” and “couldn't”? Don't they mean the same thing?
- Peekaboo: A blog by a 30 something newly-minted lawyer that I should have linked long ago and just never did for some reason. Great design!
p.s.: New questions over at Blawg Wisdom! Please help out if you can!
Posted 09:11 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Blogroll Dive #1
Introducing what I hope will become a regular feature here at the imbroglio—the Blogroll Dive, in which I click through some of the links in the blogroll on the left and share with you brief bits about what's up with these people. So, without further ado, the Blogroll Dive for today, the mostly-GW edition:
- Idlegrasshopper: Going on “near-permanent hiatus.” I hate it when that happens—especially to a fellow GW blogger.
- Jack&Coke: Also bailed. Come on people! Where's your commitment? Your dedication to the cause!?
- Life,Law, Libido (or L-Cubed, for short): Also gone, and that is the deepest cut off all. Scott has been around for years (although unless I'm missing something, he's left us no link to his archives). I have begun to understand, I think, the types of forces that lead 3Ls and new J.D.s to stop blogging, but it's still a loss to see people like this stop tapping the keyboard for us. Best to you, Scott, and thanks!
- Caravan4Christmas: Ok, here's the dedication to the cause. “I am learning a lot about building an organization from the ground up.” Sounds challenging, but she's still going strong.
- Actusreus: He posts infrequently, but it's always great. Check back once a month just in case he's posted a new satirical gem.
- Extreme Indifference to Human Life: Reckless Murder likes the baseball.
- A Mad Tea-Party: Leaving the GW blawgosphere for some delightful news: Alice is back! Hers was one of the first law blogs I read and loved, but after posting only rarely for many months, then not at all for many more, she officially retired last March. Now, although she's not returning to the Tea Party, she's started a new blog that appears to be part personal, part professional. Oh, and she's not Alice anymore, she's Brandy. Apparently, she's always been Brandy, but, well, only a few knew. And Brandy is a happy lawyer, which is why she's decided to reveal her identity and start a new blog:
Congratulations, Brandy/Alice! I'd thought many times over the last months and even years of removing the Tea Party from the blogroll, but now I'm very glad I didn't!So, what's the point of me saying all this now? It's that you can take the traditional legal industry and career paths and unhappiness and walk away from it. Despite what everyone in law school tells you, you are not doomed to that particular life. You don't need it, not for your career, and not for yourself, and certainly not for the people around you. And your clients sure as hell don't need it. Happy lawyers are good lawyers.
Posted 11:24 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack