The Dupont Circle Metro station (North entrance, looking South) in D.C. When I first moved to D.C. I was thrilled with the train. It seemed to magically take me wherever I needed to go, and the whole time I was traveling I could sit and read or just watch the scenery fly by. (The NE end of the red line is above ground a lot, so it provides some scenery. The best scenery is on the Yellow line crossing the Potomac from Virginia—great views of the Capital, Jefferson Memorial, and Washington Monument, and just downtown D.C. in general.) After a few weeks of daily commuting on the train, I still thought it was neat, but not so neat I really wanted to ride it every day. Partially because of that, we moved, so now I bike to school, but L still rides the train every day. She says she doesn't mind it, but I think she's just being nice. Anyway, her family visited for Easter and her brother was very impressed with the Metro; he called it "Futureland," apparently because he finds it so much better than the T in Boston, where he lives. I guess even a ride at Disneyland would lose its charm if you had to ride it twice a day, to and from work.
Meta: This was taken w/out flash, auto exposure, handholding the camera. Isn't digital cool?