The new World War II Veterans Memorial on the Mall in D.C. To the right is a panoramic view of 8 photos digitally spliced together (click to enlarge). The WW II Memorial just opened two or three weeks ago and is currently the sight to see in D.C. It's grand, which may be a good thing. Like the Korean War Memorial, the WWII Memorial reminds visitors that freedom is not free, but it does less (read: nothing I could see) to explain to/remind visitors what the price of freedom is. My impression after seeing all three war memorials on the mall yesterday (WWII, Korea, Vietnam), is that the WWII memorial is the least thoughtful and contemplative of the bunch. That is not to diss it, exactly, only to say that it doesn't seem to be trying to say as much as the others, and that's probably too bad. The people who fought, died and sacrificed in WWII deserve more, as do future generations who will learn little from this monument except that the war was important for some vague reason. Of course, my impression might change with more time or another visit.
UPDATE: Recent Washington Post feature the WWII Memorial.