Flat tire

A BMW cruises down a Silver Spring street, apparently oblivious to the fact that its right front tire is flat. I know this is a lame picture, but I took it because it captured a weird moment where I could see someone having a problem who didn't seem to know they were having a problem, and while I sort of wanted to let the driver know he was driving on a flat tire, I couldn't really do that because we were both stuck in heavy traffic. At the same time, I figured anyone who could race around on a flat tire like this guy was and not know it deserves what they get. Of course, I hope the flat tire didn't cause an accident, but doesn't it seem problematic that a driver could be so out of touch with his/her vehicle that he/she doesn't even realize when a tire is flat? Maybe not. But the point of this picture is that it begins to capture one of the cliched ironies of city living—the fact that we can be surrounded by people at all times, and yet still be alone.

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