Fishing in the late afternoon: View from pole. We spent much of our time in Michigan fishing, though less than we might have if the weather had been warmer and less rainy. In all we caught more than 60
bluegills, which are fun little fish to catch when they're biting. They're also great to eat fried w/a little Fry Magic breading. We used wax worms for bait and managed to go out a couple of times when we could basically just drop the line in the water and pull out a fish. Other times, there was more patience involved, but we'd catch one every so often to keep it interesting. Plus, it's very relaxing and enjoyable to just float around on the lake. Why can't I be retired already?
In addition to bluegills, we also caught a couple of large mouth bass and a couple of crappies, all of which we threw back. We also fished a little for Northern Pike using big "sucker chubs" (large, fat minnows) as bait. and we did get two hits, but weren't able to set the hook and pull them in. Maybe next year.