Puppies at play at the office; a little take-down wrestling is all in a day's work for these kids. The office I'm working in this summer is one of those very cool offices that allow employees to bring their dogs to work. Of course, this little benefit is conditional; if your dog is a barker or a biter or will otherwise cause problems or somehow interfere with work, you'd better leave it at home. Apparently, there is an exception for puppies, because although they're distracting, they're too cute to banish. Here, a Schitzu (sp?) and a German Shephard/Pit Bull mix go at it for our lunchtime entertainment. It seems these kids will never get tired.
Speaking of puppies, someone was once working on launching a puppies-only cable channel, but I can't tell if it ever took off. Can you imagine? Nothing but puppies, 24/7. I don't know about you, but I can think of times when I'd really like watching a bit of that. You really can't remain depressed or negative in the presence of puppies; I just don't think it's possible. Of course, I'm not sure puppies on tv would have the same therapeutic effect as puppies in real life, but...