Fuel Indicator

07-24-04-2 An electronic "fuel indicator" on the biggest, most deluxe deck grill I've ever seen. (Click thumbnail at right for a view of the full grill in full smoking glory.) One of my fellow interns was kind enough to invite all of us to his parents' house for lunch last week, and this is where he cooked for us. The house matched the grill well — it was beautiful, too.

We live in an urban apartment w/no deck, yard, or anything else that might allow us to grill out. Although I never did a lot of grilling when I had a house and a yard, knowing I could do it when I wanted to was nice. Add that to the list of reasons we're moving next month: We'll still live in an apartment, but it comes with a backyard (which we'll share w/the landlords upstairs). so grilling will definitely happen at some point.

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