Looking up a concrete pillar supporting the facade of Dulles Airport in NOVA (Northern Virginia). This is part of the departure zone (click right for larger image). Dulles is, far and away, the most depressing airport I can ever remember going to. I've never flown in or out of it, so I'm not speaking from vast experience, but I've spent enough time in the baggage claim area to loathe it. While the ticketing area upstairs isn't bad (it seems to be seriously under construction somehow w/lots of plywood barriers everywhere), the baggage claim downstairs is dark, dirty, smelly, under construction, far too small, decrepit and decaying. Like I said, depressing. Add to that the fact that Dulles is a good 40-60 minutes (depending on traffic) from D.C., and you've got only one possible conclusion: Do not fly in or out of Dulles. Yeah, it might cost a little more to fly out of National, but it's right on the Metro so the convenience has got to be worth a good bit. BWI (Baltimore) is always an option, as well.