That's it for the AC photos, but if you haven't had enough, check out the whole album (or at least 18 more shots from it) in Atlantic City: The Boardwalk Goes Ding!
This album comes courtesy of the magic of Jose and PicPages 1.0.1. This is the first time I've used it, and it works like a dream; almost too easy. I played with the stylesheet a little to try to integrate it into the ai look and feel, w/out complete success; I'll play w/it some more on the next album. Aside from that issue (which is really just due to my rudimentary friendliness w/CSS), I can't praise PicPages enough. If you have some images you'd like to put online in an online photo album (and if you have access to a server where you can FTP files and which allows you to run PHP stuff), PicPages makes it a snap.