A lifeguard boat on the beach in Atlantic City

A lifeguard boat on the beach in Atlantic City. Next time I go (if I ever do), I'll plan to take more beach fun stuff—like sunscreen and a beach towel and maybe a cooler. The beach may be kind of rough (shells, rocks), but it was still beautiful and refreshing.

That's it for the AC photos, but if you haven't had enough, check out the whole album (or at least 18 more shots from it) in Atlantic City: The Boardwalk Goes Ding!

This album comes courtesy of the magic of Jose and PicPages 1.0.1. This is the first time I've used it, and it works like a dream; almost too easy. I played with the stylesheet a little to try to integrate it into the ai look and feel, w/out complete success; I'll play w/it some more on the next album. Aside from that issue (which is really just due to my rudimentary friendliness w/CSS), I can't praise PicPages enough. If you have some images you'd like to put online in an online photo album (and if you have access to a server where you can FTP files and which allows you to run PHP stuff), PicPages makes it a snap.

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