Greg Palast signs books at the Green Festival. Palast is a reporter probably best known for his work exposing how Florida disenfranchised thousands of black Floridians in 2000, much of which he collected in The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. We heard him speak for about 30 minutes and he gave us plenty of reason to fear that the 2004 vote is already stolen. As he put it, "You've probably already voted; they just haven't told you how yet."
What's he talking about? Off the top of my head, I recall he said that many if not all of the Floridians (most of them black) who were wrongly prohibited from voting in 2000 are still on the "banned" list in 2004, and hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots are going to be counted by hand (and possibly behind closed doors). Now the Pentagon is trying to keep overseas Americans from voting. Do we live in a Democracy? Hmm.