These overstuffed chairs are the door pull handles on the entrance to
the D.C. coffeehouse. Ok, perhaps I exaggerate, but it's definitely
the Adams Morgan coffeehouse! And while it's almost too precious for mere mortals, it's touches like this that make you see why people love the place. It's the anti-Starbucks, since at the megachain (which
apparently plans to open four shops
a day in 2005) you'll find the same door pulls, chairs, tile, paint, shelves . . .
everything in every single store across the country. Generic, mass-produced, and created for one thing and one thing only: to make money for Starbucks. Tryst and independent shops like it are different. They're filled with found furniture, the walls are decorated with ever-changing art by local artists, the menus are unique, varied, interesting, experimental. Oh, and the door pulls rock.
Oh, and one more thing: Wireless Internet access is completely free and open to anyone at Tryst, while at Starbucks you'll have to register and pay some crazy fees if you want to surf or check your email with your coffee. Again, Starbucks is doing everything it can to make a buck, while Tryst is doing anything it can to make Tryst a cool place to hang out. And yeah, that will help Tryst make a buck, but...