this war because it's unjust.” The rally before the march featured some great speakers saying many of the things you just don't hear unless you search it out—that John Kerry was a corporate-sponsored war-supporter, that we need instant run-off voting if we want to take our democracy back, and more.
The rally also featured music by David Rovics. He's been kind enough to make all of his music available online for free download. I highly recommend “Election” and “Operation Iraqi Liberation,” but be sure to leave a donation. He more than deserves it.
I took a bunch of pictures yesterday, a large selection of which are available here. I also made a tiny little QuickTime movie of some of the chants I heard and chanted yesterday. It's 4.6MB so it'll take a while to download if you're on a slow connection. Also, since it's been compressed to such a small size, you can't see so much; the only real value is just in hearing the chants. Probably only worth it if you're on a fast connection.
More on the day from DCist here and here. Also, more from the WashPost Inaug-Blog and D.C. Indymedia (if you can get through).
UPDATE: For some really excellent pics of yesterday's counter-inaugural events in D.C., head to Centricle.