A view of the White House from Pennsylvania Ave. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the front or the back of the building; it's the less “pretty” or ornate side, but it also has what appears to be the “front” door, so I just can't tell. At any rate, this is probably the less-photographed side of the building, except for on tv—it seems the spot for reporters to stand when they do “live from the White House” blips is on the west end of the back yard here. If you look closely at the thumbnail picture, you can actually see a reporter speaking into a microphone/camera amid that array of lights and reflectors and whatever else the tv peeps need to do their business. The tv equipment has become a permanent fixture there. What surprises me is that they don't build some sort of enclosure for it; the enclosure could have a big glass wall reporters could stand in front of so they could still get the “live from the White House” view w/out freezing to death.