A rubberband holds down the action button on this PS2 controller so that someone can collect as many bolts as possible in “
Ratchet and Clank.” The bolts are the game's currency, allowing you to buy weapons to defeat your enemies, and after spending hours and hours and hours trying to defeat the final “boss,” I decided to look for help. I found it in the form of a cheat that allows Ratchet to collect as many bolts as you want; you just have to stand in the right place and hold down this button. I left it on overnight and the next morning when I had nearly 400k bolts, I bought the big weapon (the RYNO) and defeated the final boss with ease. This was last weekend, which is why the paper that's due tomorrow is still not done.
There's a reason the PS2 was collecting dust for the last 18 months: Once you start, it's hard to stop.