The top of the scoreboard at the Fado pub quiz last night. If you look really close and squint and use your imagination, you can see that the fourth-listed team is “Pray on, Moron!” That was us. But more important: We came in third! I've played trivia at Fado a few times and usually my team has been competing for last place, not first. Admittedly, turnout last night was pretty light, but hey, we'll take what we can get. And what we got were two t-shirts (the pic at right is of the back of one of the shirts) and a $10 gift certificate. Kewl.
My hat's off to B. who pulled out Nastassja Kinski as the correct answer for some obscure question involving the musical “Cats.” Also to R. for knowing that the only country with a monochromatic flag is Libya, and to M. for figuring out that in literature the lover of “Something Mellors” (Oliver? William?) was Lady Chatterly.
Oh, for those who are not familiar: A number of bars have some sort of trivia game to bring in more traffic on nights that are usually slow (like Mondays). At Fado, you form a team and try to pick some sort of interesting and funny name—they give a prize for the “best” name, where “best” is defined by the whim of the person running the game. The “host” has a microphone and calls out questions (10 questions/round, 7 rounds), teams write down answers, scorecards get totaled, and the winner gets a prize. Meanwhile, the bar sells lots of food and drink to the people playing trivia. So it's fun and everyone wins.