Paint peeling off a decorative touch on an old building at Glen Echo Park. L. and I had never been there but I recently heard a radio spot about The Puppet Co. and its production of Alice In Wonderland. It sounded worth checking out, so that's what we did last weekend. The show was very well done; the puppets were incredible and they've added some neat effects to make the story even more believable. It's definitely geared toward children, but since Alice is a story that works on many levels, it's still worth the price of admission even if you don't have kids. But beware: If you go without kids you might get stopped at the door by someone asking what the heck you're doing there. I just said we heard about it on the radio and it sounded fun. Adults can like puppet,s too, can't they?
Glen Echo Park itself is pretty cool. I took many more pics of the carousel and the yurts. For more about the park check out the NPS extended info page and Glen Echo Park.org.