Dime and nickel drug zips picked up from the streets of DC.

Dime and nickel drug zips picked up from the streets of DC. Don't worry! I picked these up off the ground as trash—they were empty when I found them. They look like they contained something white, such as cocaine, but I'm told that just about any kind of drugs can come in little ziplocks like this. I find them fascinating because they're so small. Where can you even buy such tiny little bags? And how do you fill them with drugs? Very tiny spoons?

In many parts of DC if you walk along the sidewalk and stare at the ground it will only be a matter of time before you find bags like this or remnants of them. Apparently one of the crappier things the cops sometimes do is they'll watch an area where they know there is trash like this on the ground and when they see someone standing around there they'll go bust that person. When they find that the person has no drugs, they pick some of this trash off the ground and charge him w/possession or attempt or possession of paraphernalia or something like that. The victims of this are most commonly young black men. Hooray for the war on drugs.

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