Banners hang outside the DC Armory for the MCM Expo. The Expo started yesterday and continues today; all runners have to visit the expo to pick up their race bib and Champion Chip, and that's where things went wrong for me. I got in and out of the Expo in about 15 minutes because I had other things to do yesterday, but in my rush I apparently missed the “scan booth” to “activate” my ChampionChip. The ChampionChip is a little plastic doodad you tie to your shoe so that when you cross the starting line the computer registers that you're there and starts your own personal race clock. Then, at certain intervals along the race, your chip will get “scanned” as you run along and the computer will calculate your pace and send email and text message alerts about your progress to people who want them (friends and family who sign up for this). So it's all neato and techno, but I guess if you don't get your chip “activated” at the Expo, it might not work. At least
that's what I'm told. (My AIDS Marathon coach and co-runners have confirmed this.) So, back I go today.