Someone had turned the crossing light so that it was partially obscured from the corner where I stood; I couldn't see what it said, only that it was still counting down for “walk.” So I started across the street. Halfway across I looked up to see that the “walk” countdown had changed to the “don't walk” hand, and I know from experience that on this street, that means your time is up. So I sprinted the rest of the way across the street. About two steps from the corner I heard what sounded like something falling to the street. I quickly patted my pockets—had I dropped something? Turning around I saw the traffic was starting to move and my z22, which had been inside my coat pocket, was right there in the middle of the street! I watched in agony as at least a half dozen cars passed right over my precious without touching it. “Maybe I'll get lucky,” I thought. But of course that was not to be. The next car ran right over it with both front and rear axles. Whap whap. I figured it was dead. Then another car hit it with just one tire causing it to fly into the air and spin around, then bounce again on the pavement before being slammed again beneath the cruel and uncaring tires of at least one more vehicle. Whap whap. By that time, the light had changed and I was able to walk back out in the middle of the street to retrieve my toy. It was on, with the screen as you see above, and the stylus nearly falling out. My precious was dead.
Miraculously, other than the screen the unit still looks like new. The rubber “air case” protected it very well and the case didn't get a single crack or scratch. As far as I can tell, the actual computer inside continues to function normally—it turns on and off, makes beeping noises when I hit the buttons, and the alarms I had set have continued to ring as if nothing was wrong. Of course, all of this is useless w/out a screen to display what's going on or with which to enter feedback via the stylus. I'm guessing if I could find a replacement screen everything would be fine, but I'm also guessing that that's about the most expensive part of the whole unit so I might as well just get a new one. And I think I am going to have to get a new one because I really do miss this one already. It was such a handy little toy! But alas, for now, I am toyless and joyless. *sigh*