The control panel on my new toaster—a gift from L's sister for Christmas. As you can see (full pic at right), this is no ordinary toaster. This is the
“Back to Basics TEM500 Egg & Muffin 2-Slice Toaster and Egg Poacher” ! Not only will it warm and brown your bread, but it also poaches an egg to perfection in about four minutes, and if you're more the hard-boiled type, it can do that, too! It may sound silly, but this little gadget is awesome! My one complaint is that the little poaching cup has such a thin teflon coating that it started to flake off after just a week or so of use and cleaning. But don't worry, I doubt this is giving me cancer b/c
teflon only releases toxic cases if you heat it to 446 degrees. Can steam heat really get a little pan to 446 degrees in 4-5 minutes or less?