The shattered rear window of my dad's car.

The shattered rear window of my dad's car. Someone thought it would be a nice idea to take a baseball bat (we think) to the window one Saturday night while the car was parked out in front of our house. They also tried to break the rear window of our new car but instead just left a big, ugly dent in the body surrounding the window. This was a really nice way for someone to welcome us to the neighborhood, don't you think?

My favorite part was reporting this to the police. It was like this:

“Yeah, I need to report an act of vandalism,” I said.

“What's your name and the address?” (I give them.) “Do you have any suspects?” (Uh, no.) “Ok, well, we won't send anyone over if you don't have any suspects. Here's a report number for your insurance. Have a nice day.”

Now that's what I call great police work! I realize they have more important things to worry about and there's probably not much they can do, but still...

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