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November 08, 2005

NaNo2005: 10,000 Strong and Growing

NaNoWriMo has entered its second week. If you're keeping up, you should have 13,300 words or so by the end of today. And if you're like me, you're about a day or two behind at around 10,000 words. But that's ok, because that's what weekends are for, right?

November can be such a crazy time! For me, classes are quickly spiraling to an end; at GW we only have three more weeks of class, including this one. Due dates for assignments that are due at or near the end of the semester are looming, and anything else you've been putting off before the holidays is starting to look more and more urgent. What a perfect time to write a novel!

Oh, and in clinic news, my client was rearrested and I was unable to get him released this time (shock!) so he's in jail for at least a week and unless we can get some kind of worthwhile plea deal (which is pretty rare around here) it looks like I'll be having my first trial next week.

Man, I better get busy!

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Posted November 8, 2005 01:11 PM | 3L NaNoWriMo

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I can't believe you find time for NaNoWriMo every year!! I am trying to write a short story (less than 1000 words) for a contest by the middle of the month and I am having a hard time accomplishing that. You go Mr. Job/School/Marathon/Novel Writing/Home Life Man!

Posted by: energy spatula at November 8, 2005 03:02 PM

Well thanks, but I'm thinking you might find it easier to do this "novel" thing than you think. You see, what you're trying to do is hard b/c your trying to write well. What I'm doing is easier because I'm just trying to write. I've got a bunch of free writing, and if I had any discipline or talent someday I might be able to turn some of it into something worth reading. But not now. Later. Now is November and November is when words flow from the fingers in excruciatingly horrible combinations which are saved from being banished into oblivion by the hatchet of the delete key only by the fact that each word increases the word count by exactly one.

Ahem. See what I mean about the crap? It just flows....

Good luck w/your story. Personally, I'd like to see more about the Dating Protection Program. That's a NaNo novel just waiting to happen....

Posted by: ambimb at November 9, 2005 08:55 AM

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