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March 14, 2006

Law School Prison Blues

Mother In Law writes:

Waaayyy back in December, just after finals were done, I received an early Christmas gift from a student at my school. He and another law student had written a parody of Johnny Cash's Folsum Prison Blues called Law School Prison Blues. I had every intention of posting it back then, but ran into some technical problems and couldn't get it done. But I got a little help from ai, and now here it is for your listening enjoyment. Kudos and thanks to Ryan Kasak and Eric Staples!

The brilliance and talent of law students shines again!

See also The Hearsay Exceptions Movie created by one of E. Spat's classmates. And isn't there at least one more brilliant law school musical creation I'm missing?

UPDATE: The song I was missing, again courtesy of Energy Spatula: Come and do your evidence homework with me!

Posted March 14, 2006 08:29 PM | 3L law school

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My love for Johnny together with my knee deep reading assignments has made this my new favorite song!

Posted by: Law-Rah at March 14, 2006 11:45 PM

I have a semi-dirty Evidence SONG as well as the video, also done by one of my classmates.

Posted by: energy spatula at March 15, 2006 12:03 AM

That's some good singing on that track. I'm impressed.

There were a lot of great songs in our musical Parody this year. My favorite was a remake of a Gwen Stefani song we called (Ain't No) Partner Track Girl. I don't have a copy of our soundtrack yet, but I'll see if I can wrangle one.

Posted by: Anonymous at March 15, 2006 10:10 AM

Anonymous: I would love to hear that if you come up with it! Of course, your Parody cast might have some say in whether they want to share it with the world. We also had some great songs in our own law school parody this year (and last). I wonder: why don't these shows get w/the 21st century, record their soundtracks, and make them available for sale online?

Posted by: ambimb at March 15, 2006 10:43 AM

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