Two valentines from sometime around mid-20th Century. We found these in a box of my grandparents' old things when I was home for the holidays, but I've already forgotten whether they were valentines from my grandparents' youth, or from my mom's youth. They were cute either way.
The heart beneath the boy valentine says; “When you look at me in that tone of voice my heart does such funny things.”

The little sign at the girl's knees says: “I'll play 'second fiddle' to no one, Valentine.” And in her arms she's holding a fiddle. Get it? The fiddle is actually movable and the girl's eyes move with it. (I think; it's sad how short my memory is for details like this. I'd make an awful witness in court.)
So have a swell v-day everyone. For those who see this as a dark day, I'll suggest that the bright side is this: It's another excuse to eat lots of colorfully packaged chocolates, even if you do buy them for yourself!